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Filter BubbleS

"Filter Bubbles are the spies of the Web and violate our privacy in the name of personalization."

- Eli Pariser

The Filter Bubble: What the Internet is Hiding From You 


The Filter Bubble is the personal universe of information of every web consumers online. This is a pure construction from the web made with your personal information available online. It is composed of the things you get interested in and that you’re more willing to click on. This filter bubble concerns not only google but either other major websites such as Facebook, Spotify, news-websites, YouTube,…(except Wikipedia).

The Danger of Google

We can take the example of Google to understand how filter bubbles work in general, as it is the most eloquent instance of use of this mechanism, even though it works similarly on Spotify.

Google knows 57 personal information on us when we are doing a research. It’s a danger because we have no control over the amount and the type of information that they know about us, and less chance of having / finding the same result for the same research and this disadvantage our knowledge about a precise topic. Moreover, any friend company of google can know our information and google makes billion of dollars over our heads. We have less power to control which information we are exposed to. Our data can be sold.

The problem with algorithms

Algorithms play a key role about the amount of information that will be available on us online. However the way we’re using internet also altere the information available for us.

Moreover, algorithms are not that precise. Maybe it makes you lose your time as your findings deals with the same data over and over again. You’re not efficient. That’s why using curatorial serendipity would be more precise and efficient for our online research.


  1. Should we let the situation continuing or is it too disadvantaging for us?

  2. What is the difference between personalization and privatization then? (limit of privacy)

  3. Does it have negative effects on our diversity of knowledge ?

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